Putty-looking cars

There have been more than a couple times over the past few years where my wife and I have been driving somewhere and I’ll start rambling about new car paint, trying to figure out/talk through why it looks different. Like Hank Green in the below video, though, I could never really articulate what I was seeing and why I thought the paint on some new cars was different. I think my wife, who’s generally a good sport when it comes to my various/many eccentricities, maybe saw what I was talking about, but I also got the vibe she was just humoring me. At one point I remember concluding, “It’s like a matte finish, but still glossy.” I think I left it at that, but in the back of my mind it’s always been something I’ve been curious about.

So today I opened up YouTube and was about to search for something when I saw the below video in my recommended list. I’ve never done any searches on the car paint thing I just mentioned and I don’t think I’ve ever watched a Hank Green video before. So I don’t know why the video was recommended to me, but wow what a recommendation. First, it’s good to know know I’m not alone in both noticing this and trying to figure out exactly what’s going on. Second, now I know what’s going on – haha! No flakes!

Putty-looking ass whips

Here’s a link to the article Hank references in the video.